Pronotal Basal Margin Shape

Locating the pronotal basal margin

The pronotum is the dorsal part of the prothorax and is located between the head and elytra. The basal margin is the posterior edge.

Figure 1. Dorsal view of Anoplognathus.

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dorsal image of Anoplognathus sp.

Photo Figure 1 © Kindi Smith, Australian Museum

States of pronotal basal margin shape

The basal margin varies in shape where it abuts the scutellum.

There are three states

  1. middle strongly bilobed, the lobes slightly angulate and separated by an arcuate excavation (Figure 2A)

  2. middle weakly bilobed, the lobes rounded and separated by a slight excavation (Figure 2B)

  3. with a single rounded or truncate lobe (Figure 2C)

Figure 2. Dorsal view of pronotal basal margin

Move cursor over small image to view larger image

pronotal basal margin shape - strongly bisinuatepronotal basal margin shape - weakly bisinuatepronotal basal margin shape - rounded or truncate
pronotal basal margin shape - larger image

scale bar equals 1mm
Photos Figure 2 © Kindi Smith, Australian Museum

